Please don't change Beastie to another crap logo such asNetBSD!!!

David Gerard fun at
Thu Feb 10 01:40:30 PST 2005

Anthony Atkielski (atkielski.anthony at [050210 20:34]:
> Ted Mittelstaedt writes:
> > Yep, I was wondering how long it would take before someone figured
> > this one out.  We know the real rea$on$ that this logo change is
> > being contemplated, don't we.
> Personally, I wonder how FreeBSD survives based exclusively on volunteer
> efforts.  It's a noble idea, but in the real world, things cost money,
> and people need to earn a living.  Something that survives exclusively
> from the kindness of strangers leads a fragile existence.  FreeBSD has a
> large following and seems reasonably stable, but when something is a
> volunteer effort, the larger the following, the better.

Netcraft confirms it: FreeBSD is dying!

I'd rather see effort towards some of the really *stupid* bugs in 5.x that
languish for months with a fix included. Like linux-pango being broken,
meaning that by default you can't actually run a lot of recent Linux
binaries (a Thunderbird nightly got me on that one). Or /etc/fstab allowing
msdos as a disk type but fsck not, and the fsck refusing to accept the fix
despite the system inconsistency. *Stupid* little things like that are
actually the most distressing thing about 5.x - I use FreeBSD because it
mostly does The Right Thing.

- d.

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