Problem restarts

Mark Terribile materribile at
Mon Jun 28 11:46:46 PDT 2004

Dear "User LAFFER1",

> I had a similar problem with a server recently.  The issue turned out to 
> be the NIC/NIC driver.  I changed it over to a 3com and it worked like a 
> charm ever since.

Well, I'm using the motherboard NIC, which is an Intel RC82540EM

> I'm also using that power supply in a server.  I've noticed it gets very 
> hot under load.  I believe that model only has one fan and is considered a 
> desktop "silent" model.  Its possible that your system config is too much 
> for it running 24/7.  Its not the wattage per se, just that its not 
> designed for continously use.  My system is only an amd athelon 2000+ with 
> 512mb ram, 1 7200rpm 40gig maxtor drive and a dvd reader.

This is a two-fan model, with no visible speed adjustment.  The output air
is warm, but not outrageously so.  But if that were the problem, why
would the system restart immediately, and why would it be taken down by
processor load rather than by a heavy disk load?  Is it worth buying a
420 or 480 watt supply to test?  Antec supplies are built more heavily than
most, and this 380 watter cost as much as a 480 from, say, Powmax.

    Mark Terribile


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