Msn Voice conversation

Charles Swiger cswiger at
Mon Jun 21 14:24:58 PDT 2004

On Jun 21, 2004, at 4:21 PM, Dj Uwins wrote:
> I'm trying to get msn voice conversation working through NATD. I've 
> been
> reading alot of posts and there are others who can't seem to get this
> working by trying to forward ports in natd.conf.

Yes, the H.323 protocol family is a nightmare in terms of complexity 
and it simply doesn't play nice with NAT or reasonable firewall 
configurations.  My recommendation would be to block the H.323 protocol 
entirely and use something else rather than compromise one's security.

> Does anyone know how to make this happen?

This is a hard problem which may not be solvable without paying license 
fees for proprietary H.323 resources and documentation.  Have you 
looked into getting a commercial firewall which supports H.323 proxying 
via NAT...?


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