Acu Cobol 6.0 for Linux

Walter C. Pelissero walter at
Wed Feb 4 03:46:09 PST 2004

Dan Nelson writes:
 > In the last episode (Feb 04), Walter C. Pelissero said:
 > > A side note.  What is the impact of this IPC_64 flag on the FreeBSD
 > > code?  Can we ignore it, or does it mean that the Linux emulator is
 > > outdated regarding this "new" flag?
 > Linux IPC_64 support was added to the 5.x tree over a year ago but
 > never got merged back to 4.x.

Oops.  Don't tell me Iv'e beeing trying to fix a bug that wasn't

I'll try in the next days to install 5.2 at least on my laptop and see
if it helps.  (It's anyhow something that was already on my agenda.)

walter pelissero

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