Mozilla 1.3 port problem - general question about bug report

dick hoogendijk dick at
Wed Jun 11 01:55:07 PDT 2003

On 11 Jun kusa wrote:
> I have a portudate problem on mozilla-1.3.1,2 after I updated my ports
> by cvs : I can't get it to recognize all the dependencies and it
> throws me this error after checking a bunch of things that are marked
> as ok

After the portupgrade, did you do a
# cd /usr/ports
# make index
# pkgdb-u

-(I don't like pkgdb -uU which is supposed to do the same, but gives
diff results..)-

After that I would begin with a "portupgrade -rR portupgrade"
-(the base of all things.. ;-)-

You probably will loose the next error msgs..

> *** Your version of pkg-config is too old. You need version 0.9.0 or
> newer.  *** See

And because mozilla depends on a lot of things other than itself I would
recomment a "portupgrade -rR mozilla" if you have mozilla already
installed. That way you can be sure that *all dependancies* are met.
Take some time off during compile.. ;)
If mozilla is not installed yet a "portinstall mozilla" handles it all.

dick -- -- PGP/GnuPG key: F86289CE
++ Running FreeBSD 4.8 ++ Debian GNU/Linux (Woody)

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