FreeBSD Port/Distribution Installation

Jud judmarc at
Mon Apr 7 14:37:54 PDT 2003

On Mon, 7 Apr 2003 23:00:52 +0800, Sukhbinder Singh 
<sukhbinders at> wrote:

> I downloaded the port, packages and the distributions that I needed.
> However, I am unable to run these packages. Like for instances, I want to
> run the X - Windows environment. I am unable to run it. I went to the
> specific directory for example the XFree86 - 4 directory and typed "make 
> &&
> make install clean" at the command prompt but however I am unable to get 
> the
> X - windows environment running.

If this means ppp is working for you now, that's certainly good news.

What was the result of trying to build the XFree86-4 port?  Was there an 
error message or not?  If there was no error, you will next need to 
configure XFree86 for your system.  (By the way, 'make install clean' will 
do what you want, without the need of the first 'make.')


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