VPN pass through?

Toni Schmidbauer toni at stderror.at
Tue Apr 1 10:51:29 PST 2003

On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 09:39:57AM -0900, Mark-Nathaniel Weisman wrote:
> I have a W2K VPN server (RRAS using PPTP) setup behind my FreeBSD firewall. I also have a web server, mail server, and several others. I've setup up my ipfw to allow packets for port 1723 on both tcp and udp from any to any, and setup up NATD to redirect_port 1723 to the internal address of my VPN box. I am unable to pass the packets through, and when I put the redirect statement in my natd.conf file, none of the redirection works. I've tried redirecting both the port and the protocol to no avail. Can someone take a moment to explain where I'm going wrong?
if you provide your (anonymized) ipfw and nat config, helping would
be a lot easier.

please break your lines at about 75 chars, your message is a lot
easier to read then. 

Behandle die Menschen, als wären sie, was sie sein | toni at stderror.at
sollten, und du wirst ihnen helfen, zu werden, was | Toni Schmidbauer
sie sein können.  - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe     |
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