TeTeX and TeXLive

Nikola Lečić nikola.lecic at anthesphoria.net
Sun Dec 16 18:31:29 PST 2007

On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 11:02:45 +0900 (JST)
Hiroki Sato <hrs at FreeBSD.org> wrote:
> I realize it takes additional time, but considering pros and cons I
> think it is better to do so.

Sorry for interrupting the dialogue, are we speaking of ~1.000 ports?
Personally, as a future heavy user of TeXLive port, I'd like to see it
as modularised as possible, just like X.org. Can you maybe post here
just a list of future ports before you public a full tree for testing?

If it's not possible, does this mean that every, e.g. LaTeX .sty
package is a separate port? And, e.g. that ConTeXt is a port (or more
likely more ports), all libraries included within particular
derivatives, font groups, etc? With lots of meta-ports? If this is so,
it would be amazing IMHO, and in the true spirit of Ports System... I'm
delighted that we'll have this in Ports.
Nikola Lečić :: Никола Лечић

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