We need much better security updates for packages

Bryan Drewery bdrewery at FreeBSD.org
Mon Oct 20 20:15:02 UTC 2014

On 10/19/2014 11:29 PM, Martin Hanson wrote:
> Hi
> This is a suggestion.
> If "pkg" is going to be any good, meaning as a real replacement for
> always compiling from ports, I think it is really important that we
> move away from a fixed weekly build when important security upgrades
> are pending.
> We cannot wait week or more for the official repos when an important
> security upgrade is pending.

(I run the builds)

We all agree. There's a lot of challenges to solve with changing how we
build packages currently to speed them up. The easiest solution is more
hardware. We are working to get more hardware to be able to build more
often per week.

We don't have anything official to announce yet. We currently build 1
time per week. We have some hardware freed up from not needing the
pkg_install builds anymore, and not needing a new_xorg/ssp repository.
We should be able to get to 2-3 times per week soon and 4-5 in February
once we get additional hardware.

We're also trying to balance new hardware with getting ARM/MIPS packages
built. IMHO though we need near-daily builds for x86 ASAP. The recent
security issues have been difficult.

Bryan Drewery

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