11.1-RELEASE zfs zpool kernel panic blkptr at 0x806764a40 has invalid CHECKSUM 0

Mike Tancsa mike at sentex.net
Tue Jun 12 13:41:40 UTC 2018

On 6/12/2018 9:20 AM, James Lodge wrote:
> Previous to this I’d had no issues with the pool which had been running happily for 4-5 years, with the occasional  disk replacement. This pool has always been in a machine with ECC memory as it is now.
> Just to reiterate the zpool was showing no issue on any disks or on scrub. The machine was running normally and I was accessing (reading) a file when it panicked and then failed to boot due to the above checksum error.

Can you try and boot from an 11.2RC USB stick and see if you can mount /
import the pool that way ?


Mike Tancsa, tel +1 519 651 3400 x203
Sentex Communications, mike at sentex.net
Providing Internet services since 1994 www.sentex.net
Cambridge, Ontario Canada

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