CFT: periodic scrubbing of ZFS pools

Ivan Voras ivoras at
Fri Jun 11 12:04:40 UTC 2010

On 06/10/10 16:26, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> Hi,
> as there seems to be interest in a periodic script to scrub zpools, I
> modified my monthly-POC into a daily script with parameters for which
> pools to scrub, how many days between scrubs (even different per pool,
> if required), and several error checks (non-existing pool specified,
> scrub in progress).
> You can find it at
> Please put it into /etc/periodic/daily and test it. Possible
> periodic.conf variables are:
>  daily_scrub_zfs_enable="YES"
>  daily_scrub_zfs_pools="name1 name2 name3" # all if unset or empty
>  daily scrub_zfs_default_threshold="<number_of_days>" # default: 30
>  daily_scrub_zfs_<POOLNAME>_threshold="<number_of_days>"
> If there is no specific threshold for a pool (= days between scrubs),
> the default threshold is used.

Fairly good and useful, but could you add a small check of "zpool
status" information before scrubbing that would a) complain LOUDLY AND
VISIBLY if a previous scrub failed and b) skip issuing a new scrub
command if there is such an error, to avoid stressing possibly broken

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