CFT: periodic scrubbing of ZFS pools

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Fri Jun 11 15:20:42 UTC 2010

Quoting Ivan Voras <ivoras at> (from Fri, 11 Jun 2010  
14:04:24 +0200):

> On 06/10/10 16:26, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
>> Hi,
>> as there seems to be interest in a periodic script to scrub zpools, I
>> modified my monthly-POC into a daily script with parameters for which
>> pools to scrub, how many days between scrubs (even different per pool,
>> if required), and several error checks (non-existing pool specified,
>> scrub in progress).
>> You can find it at
>> Please put it into /etc/periodic/daily and test it. Possible
>> periodic.conf variables are:
>>  daily_scrub_zfs_enable="YES"
>>  daily_scrub_zfs_pools="name1 name2 name3" # all if unset or empty
>>  daily scrub_zfs_default_threshold="<number_of_days>" # default: 30
>>  daily_scrub_zfs_<POOLNAME>_threshold="<number_of_days>"
>> If there is no specific threshold for a pool (= days between scrubs),
>> the default threshold is used.
> Fairly good and useful, but could you add a small check of "zpool
> status" information before scrubbing that would a) complain LOUDLY AND
> VISIBLY if a previous scrub failed and b) skip issuing a new scrub
> command if there is such an error, to avoid stressing possibly broken
> hardware?

Can you please provide an example of such a failed scrub?

Things I fixed so far:
  - use the creation time of the pool if no scrub was done before
  - rename the script via s/600/800/ (this is a I/O intensive task
    and we want to have this done late in the periodic run, so
    that other stuff is not slowed down too much)


Winning isn't everything, but losing isn't anything.    Alexander @ PGP ID = B0063FE7       netchild @  : PGP ID = 72077137

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