minfree 1 -> 0 -> 1 == death ... PLEASE HELP

Eric Anderson anderson at freebsd.org
Mon Aug 27 19:42:15 PDT 2007

Juri Mianovich wrote:
> Ok, my previous post was too detailed and confusing. 
> Here it is totally stripped down:
> - FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE system with 1.8 TB ufs2
> filesystem
> - up and stable for 200+ days _with_ a minfree setting
> of _one_
> - yesterday I did this:  tunefs -m 0 /dev/aacd0s1e
> - I then decided to cut my losses and put things back
> right where they were previously: tunefs -m 1
> /dev/aacd0s1e
> So that's that.  I don't care what's happening, I
> don't care why, I don't care what:
> - HOW DO I get back the minfree=1 behavior that I had
> 24 hours ago ?  It worked fine for 200 days with
> minfree=1, and I just want to go back there.  I did
> not use ANY of the space that I gained when I went
> from 1->0, so there should not be any issues... but
> there are.

Regarding the 'KABOOM' part - is that when you mount it?  How about RO?

Have you fsck'ed the fs at all?

Also - please send the output of this command:

dumpfs /dev/aacd0s1e | head -n 40


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