minfree 1 -> 0 -> 1 == death ... PLEASE HELP

Juri Mianovich juri_mian at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 27 20:17:30 PDT 2007

On Mon, 27 Aug 2007, Eric Anderson wrote:

> Regarding the 'KABOOM' part - is that when you mount
it?  How about RO?

No - it mounts and runs just fine.  For about an hour.
 Once any meaningful activity is run on it for an hour
or so, the aac raid controller dies, spewing
"controller is no longer running" messages on console.

If I skip that filesystem, and mount the other
partitions, the system will stay up indefinitely.  It
is only by running that filesystem (that I changed
from 1 to 0 to 1) that the aac controller will die

> Have you fsck'ed the fs at all?


> Also - please send the output of this command:
> dumpfs /dev/aacd0s1e | head -n 40

Here you are - sorry for the bad linewrapping:

magic   19540119 (UFS2) time    Mon Aug 27 19:28:15
superblock location     65536   id      [ 44967b53
b7c98a12 ]
ncg     10379   size    976478879       blocks 
bsize   16384   shift   14      mask    0xffffc000
fsize   2048    shift   11      mask    0xfffff800
frag    8       shift   3       fsbtodb 2
minfree 1%      optim   space   symlinklen 120
maxbsize 16384  maxbpg  2048    maxcontig 8    
contigsumsize 8
nbfree  1520861 ndir    1336402 nifree  233593652     
 nffree  1151519
bpg     11761   fpg     94088   ipg     23552
nindir  2048    inopb   64      maxfilesize    
sbsize  2048    cgsize  16384   csaddr  3000    cssize
sblkno  40      cblkno  48      iblkno  56      dblkno
cgrotor 8911    fmod    0       ronly   0       clean 
avgfpdir 64     avgfilesize 16384
flags   soft-updates
fsmnt   /mount2
volname         swuid   0

        (124,178,22483,128) (150,171,22500,183)
(2,540,16912,24) (14,449,18728,29)
        (152,220,18441,138) (19,226,22431,227)
(10,192,22465,82) (204,338,21391,40)
        (2,233,22284,7) (75,216,22139,6)
(92,355,21364,48) (40,172,23154,310)
        (97,211,22912,198) (50,1059,19773,521)
(103,242,22082,24) (54,645,19650,552)
        (124,13,22038,17) (62,629,21768,21)
(66,1078,20596,256) (36,629,21739,102)
        (15,229,22069,60) (22,643,19857,158)
(8,150,23262,77) (84,66,23341,99)
        (32,4,23546,19) (134,102,22993,32)
(0,91,23195,5) (79,71,23416,49)
        (51,71,23414,10) (30,723,20253,166)
(20,940,20088,107) (262,189,22423,19)
        (325,146,23240,11) (147,123,23241,1)
(69,122,23313,34) (44,123,23205,64)
        (70,121,22896,102) (47,220,21946,24)
(147,77,23212,106) (102,124,19674,81)
        (187,104,23428,1) (0,88,22631,78)
(117,4,23548,49) (252,2,23550,3)
        (186,2,23550,8) (1184,2,23550,48)
(346,2,23550,15) (6261,2,23550,82)
        (1745,30,23406,65) (23,0,23552,15)
(63,13,23513,51) (51,73,23025,14)
        (99,36,23312,130) (96,18,23312,44)
(52,74,23142,17) (23,73,22997,30)
        (112,98,22961,141) (64,494,20614,71)
(7,373,16781,717) (19,665,21232,616)
        (0,446,19200,50) (3,84,17164,51)
(71,317,22673,17) (5,986,19852,37)
        (72,18,23471,44) (61,17,23516,134)
(101,243,22116,78) (9,176,21941,88)
        (44,70,22718,45) (39,99,19659,29)
(11,104,18723,18) (49,94,17467,57)
        (147,175,17802,738) (4,53,22270,2)
(55,29,23501,48) (72,60,23372,8)
        (72,48,23484,147) (80,68,23484,36)
(134,115,22830,144) (227,256,21686,320)

Like I said, I am sure there is a fascinating
explanation for all of this and we can all learn a
lot, but I _don't care_.  Why is the aac controller
dying ?  Don't care.  Why can't the system handle a
minfree of 0 ?  don't care.  Why does my new minfree
of 1 behave like a minfree of zero ?  Don't care.

All I want to know is, how do I get back the old
minfree of 1 I had 24 hours ago instead of the "new
and improved" minfree of 1 that I have now ?

Thank you so much for looking.

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