Something broke :-( Re: fwcontrol update

Dieter freebsd at
Fri Aug 22 01:28:02 UTC 2008

> Can you run a live linux distro(unbuntu or knoppix) and see if linux can 
> "reset"
> your NEC f/w controller?

Grumble...  If I get penguinix to boot will you look at

These two are more problematic than the NEC.

> Otherwise, I will be going down a very long and tedious path to try and 
> discover what has
> broken.  This will take me a long time.

Before you do that...

	What path are you planning on going down?
	We don't know what broke it: fwcontrol, camera in
	camera mode, or something else we haven't thought of.

	Seems to me that the solution is to look at the
	datasheet and the device driver and figure out what
	isn't getting initialized.  So we need to find the
	datasheet for the NEC.

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