Something broke :-( Re: fwcontrol update

Sean Bruno sbruno at
Thu Aug 21 20:35:01 UTC 2008

Dieter wrote:
>> Ummm...ok.  Is the unit in "vcr" mode now when it generates the spewage?
> Yes, vcr mode.  I only tried camera mode twice, once many months ago
> with 6.x, and once a couple days ago with 7.0.
oh...well then.

Can you run a live linux distro(unbuntu or knoppix) and see if linux can 
your NEC f/w controller?

Otherwise, I will be going down a very long and tedious path to try and 
discover what has
broken.  This will take me a long time.

Sean Bruno
MiraLink Corporation
6015 NE 80th Ave, Ste 100
Portland, OR 97218
Phone 503-621-5143
Fax 503-621-5199
MSN: sbruno at
Google:  seanwbruno at
Yahoo:  sean_bruno at

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