Romanian BitDefender for FreeBSD Mail Servers line

Sander Vesik sander.vesik at
Tue May 31 10:35:30 PDT 2005

On 5/29/05, Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg <listsub at> wrote:
> And, if I understood it correctly, he was not requesting an
> immediate change to the webpage. He stepped up and announced a
> *will* to change it, and was asking for feedback and thoughts.
> When the community, ie advocacy@, approves of his work and agrees
> on a actual website change, then it would be time to involve the
> webmasters (they are of course welcome to join the discussion
> earlier if they so wish).

This is *UTTER* crap. he is talking about a simple issue with the web
pages and one for which channels for cahnge already exist. There is no
point in even talking about the "community" on advocacy approving
anything about the web pages before there is in fact a community on
advocacy@ and it has establshed an ability and will for looking at web
page issue. And even so, this would *NOT* fal lunder that even then.

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