AHA-2940 Ultra/Ultra Wide

Alex garbanzo at hooked.net
Mon Sep 15 12:16:19 PDT 1997

On Mon, 15 Sep 1997, Leonard N. Zubkoff wrote:

>   I'm not aware of any problems with Stratus class Fireball firmware, but I 
>   haven't tested any of those myself.  Justin, I thought you mentioned having 
>   some of these you were working with.  If so, has the firmware proven to be 
>   decent on those?  Have you done your normal try to break the drive testing 
>   on this class of Quantum drive Leonard?
> The Stratus definitely needs firmware 0F0C to work respectably.  In theory,
> that alone was supposed to fix any problems with tagged queuing, but I've had a
> couple of reports from people with multiple Stratus drives that had to also
> limit the queue depth to 7 for reliable operation.  I tested a single drive
> with 0F0C for a day or so, but that doesn't prove anything if there are
> problems with multiple drives.

I've noticed mention of limiting the tagged command queue depth, on what
I'm assuming is Linux.  Is there any way to do this in FreeBSD?

- alex

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