Re: Dockerfile to Bastille interpreter/translator

From: Zhenlei Huang <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2024 09:34:19 UTC

> On Jan 10, 2024, at 6:27 PM, Alejandro Imass <> wrote:
> I understand there's an ongoing effort to support Linux Docker images "natively" through amd64 translation layer to the FBSD kernel. I think that is a great endeavour but it got me thinking that perhaps there's an alternative way to leverage the full power of FBSD and Bastille. 
> If you look at Dockerfile, they mostly follow the same pattern: 
> 1 - package manager installs
> 2 - system commands
> 3 - package, inheritance
> 4 - repeat
> 5 - launch entrypoint
> The package manager AFAICT are only 3: alpine, debian, red hat
> The commands are almost translatable 1:1 to Bastille
> So my question is, has anybody thought or have started work on an Dockerfile interpreter that can build native Bastille/ZFS "images" from a Dockerfile ? 

If I read you right, you may look at buildah / podman, and the runtime runj [1] .

Good luck :)


> I think most of the work would be creating and maintaining the package names and their equivs which for the most part will be very similar to FBSD ports.
> Any thoughts?
> Best,
> -- 
> Alex

Best regards,