svn commit: r533086 - in head: graphics/pcl-pointclouds graphics/vv math/vtk8 math/vtk8/files science/avogadrolibs science/liggghts

Christoph Moench-Tegeder cmt at
Mon Apr 27 12:23:58 UTC 2020

## Adriaan de Groot (adridg at

> The litmus test should be if a plain find_package(VTK) -- at least, as plain 
> as makes sense when finding VTK from a CMakeListstxt -- can find this one.

"Sometimes": cad/freecad, cad/opencascade and graphics/vv now have to
set VTK_DIR:PATH=${LOCALBASE}/lib/vtk-8.2/cmake/vtk-8.2. On the other
hand, graphics/pcl-pointclouds and science/liggghts seem to do ok
without VTK_DIR or (in the case of liggghts) VTK_DIR set to a wrong
location? (didn't try to built - that's what Yuri committed).


Spare Space

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