svn commit: r533086 - in head: graphics/pcl-pointclouds graphics/vv math/vtk8 math/vtk8/files science/avogadrolibs science/liggghts

Yuri yuri at
Mon Apr 27 16:26:05 UTC 2020

On 2020-04-27 03:38, Adriaan de Groot wrote:
> The litmus test should be if a plain find_package(VTK) -- at least, as plain
> as makes sense when finding VTK from a CMakeListstxt -- can find this one. It
> certainly looks unusual to have ${LOCALBASE}/<thing>/cmake/<thing>/ containing
> the CMake config files for <thing>.
> I can't immediately tell from the documentation if find_package() looks there.

I tried to move the cmake directory into the right location, but it 
didn't work, seemingly because the same location was also encoded in 
other files there.

On the other hand, some projects recognize it fine without VTK_DIR, and 
some others don't, strangely.


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