Prism54 USB Wireless Adapters

Ian Dowse iedowse at
Sat Jan 15 17:47:01 PST 2005

In message <1105809278.41e94f7ed0e32 at>, irchat at writes:
>I am trying to port the prism54-usb Linux driver to FreeBSD (see
>There's a big problem, I don't get the interrupt which should occur right
>after the firmware upload to the ISL3886.
>I have spent hours trying to debug this, I can't figure out why it doesn't
>work. The interrupt callback functions seems to be properly set up, when I
>unplug the device it is called to report the error (but should it be when the
>device sends the interrupt, according to the way I've set up the pipe ?).

Try removing the USBD_NO_COPY flag from all the transfer setups. I
happen to have a USB Prism54 device here, and removing that flag
appears to cause the p54u_int_rx_cb function to get called.

As far as I can tell, the USBD_NO_COPY flag should only ever be
used in conjunction with the usbd_alloc_buffer() function. Normally
the USB code copies data into a DMA buffer for writes and copies
it back after reads, but if you have set up your own buffer then
it is more efficient to access the buffer directly to avoid the


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