Installing FreeBSD-Stable and Upgrading to FreeBSD-Stable

Peter Schultz peter at
Mon Apr 21 08:03:25 PDT 2003

Rick Flosi wrote:
> I am a newbie trying to get the most current Stable version of FreeBSD
> running. I have been using CVS to update my system, but things don't work
> after an update. For example KDE 3.1 (from KDE 3.0) doesn't start using
> startkde.
> I am looking for instructions on the best way to Install the lastest
> version of FreeBSD-Stable and how to Upgrade the system in the future.
> Thanks.
Here's a quick tips page I have on the subject:

Your kde problem may have to do with a mismanaged ports tree.  I have 
tips for that as well:


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