FBSD 6.2 Xeon 2.4ghz CPU and high load

Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Mon May 12 21:57:48 UTC 2008

On May 12, 2008, at 2:27 PM, DAve wrote:
> On a related note, I met Chuck back in 1999 in Seattle at a SeaFug  
> meeting. I doubt he remembers me but he and John Polstra coached me  
> through changing from a Mac Admin to a BSD admin. I've read Chuck's  
> posts on multiple maillists that we both have, or do, share  
> subscriptions to. Chuck, you are always helpful, never mean, and you  
> encourage detective work to identify a problem rather than recite  
> the "upgrade" mantra. Your knowledge has helped countless people  
> over the years, including me. I appreciate that.
> If you have a wish list, I can't find it.  I would sure like to buy  
> you a CD or something since I can't buy you a beer.

Well, you're most welcome.  If you ever show up for one of the Apple  
events like a MacWorld or WWDC, you might run into me again...or at a  
Tommy's Tequila run, afterwards.  :-)


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