poudriere merging multiple ports trees

Miroslav Lachman 000.fbsd at quip.cz
Thu Jan 28 20:14:14 UTC 2021

On 28/01/2021 17:47, Henrik Rosenke wrote:
> I tried this with a patched MOVED file, copied from the master 
> portstree, deleted the entry and tried to build but this File seems to 
> be ignored. I dont really understand where the MOVED file is handled, it 
> seems to be bsd.port.subdir.mk but i am not sure.

MOVED is handled by bsd.port.subdir.mk but overlays do not account with 
it. Overlays are handled on more places


Next is bsd.port.mk:

.if defined(USE_LOCAL_MK)
.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/bsd.local.mk"
.for odir in ${OVERLAYS}
.sinclude "${odir}/Mk/bsd.overlay.mk"

But there is no bsd.overlay.mk and I don't know what should be in it 
(file in the overlay ports tree)

The AWK code in bsd.port.subdir.mk can be changed to use MOVED from 
overlay if it exists insead of the default one.

> I think the best way 
> to handle this would be a NOT_MOVED file in the overlay portstree with 
> the ports to ignore from the MOVED file with entries like "sysutils/sge62".

This can be possible too. NOT_MOVED can be used as additional INDEXFILE

Or maybe start with PORTSEARCH_MOVED=0 (not tried yet)

Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman

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