poudriere merging multiple ports trees

Henrik Rosenke rosenke at dssgmbh.de
Thu Jan 28 16:47:24 UTC 2021

I tried this with a patched MOVED file, copied from the master 
portstree, deleted the entry and tried to build but this File seems to 
be ignored. I dont really understand where the MOVED file is handled, it 
seems to be bsd.port.subdir.mk but i am not sure. I think the best way 
to handle this would be a NOT_MOVED file in the overlay portstree with 
the ports to ignore from the MOVED file with entries like "sysutils/sge62".

Kind regards,

Henrik Rosenke

Am 28.01.21 um 11:21 schrieb Miroslav Lachman:
> On 28/01/2021 10:55, Henrik Rosenke wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> UIDs and GIDs are also not resprected, i could solve this via this 
>> patch:
> I didn't tried it but what if you have patched Mk/bsd.port.mk and 
> MOVED in overlay tree? Does it work or not?
> Miroslav Lachman
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