Xfce, xfce4-terminal, and UTF-8

George Mitchell george+freebsd at m5p.com
Fri Jan 1 20:09:15 UTC 2021

On 1/1/21 2:57 PM, Guido Falsi via freebsd-ports wrote:
> On 01/01/21 20:12, George Mitchell wrote:
>> I applied the patch from https://reviews.freebsd.org/D27846 to my ports
>> tree and recompiled with no problems.  But it did not change the compose
>> key behavior (still fails in xfce4-terminal but works elsewhere).
> I actually have no idea. I don't know exactly how the compose key is 
> managed in Xorg.
> My intuition is it's Xorg itself who is managing it, intercepting the 
> key presses before the application and sending it the result if any. But 
> I don't know for sure.
> Also maybe the setting can be per application. Have you tried 
> configuring the compose key in XFCE settings?
> Or setting it via command line before launching startxfce4?
I've been setting it in .csrhc (setxkbmap -option compose:lwin), and
originally worked for everything including xfce4-terminal.  It still
works for everything else (including mousepad), but not for
xfce4-terminal.  The XFCE keyboard settings compose key setting does
not seem to work for anything.                            -- George

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