JDK binary without X

Michael Vince mv at roq.com
Sat Apr 8 12:20:00 UTC 2006

Russell Francis wrote:

>Stefan wrote:
>>>packages are generally built based on 'most common situation', vs
>>>'least' ... even the 'build your own version' in ports defaults to
>>>building with X, and you have to explicitly tell it not to ...
>>Your right. Now I try to install via ports....
>>How can I explicitly tell to not intsall the jdk15-port with
>>x-libraries? I only saw three options:
>I may be mistaken about this, but wouldn't not building with x-libraries
>make fairly large parts of the Java runtime environment ie java.awt.* &
>java.swing.* broken?
>If this is true, why would you want this?  I suspect that many Java
>applications make use of functionality within these name-spaces even if
>they don't seem to be an "X based" application?
Some people just want to use it for a Tomcat server. A lot of people put 
something like 'export CATALINA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true'
to disable it as its just extra things they don't have to worry about.


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