Jboss startup Error- Can anyone help?

Panagiotis Astithas past at noc.ntua.gr
Tue Jun 15 06:44:00 GMT 2004

Henry wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone run into this problem?
> Ive installed Jboss 3.2.3 on FreeBSD 5.2.1.
> When I start jboss, I get the following error over and over again in the
> output, and more down the page but I think that the "IPv4 mapped usage
> is turned off" is where all goes wrong...
> java.net.SocketException: IPv4 mapped addresses usage is turned off.  Set
> net.inet6.ip6.v6only=0 or use '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true' to
> disable java IPv6 support, ObjectName: jboss:service=Naming
>  state: FAILED
> Is it because the IPv4 mapped address usage is turned off?
> and how do I turn this on?

It should be quite obvious from the message:
Set net.inet6.ip6.v6only=0 or use '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true'

Panagiotis Astithas
Electrical & Computer Engineer, PhD
Network Management Center
National Technical University of Athens, Greece

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