experience with dell DRAC 4?

Eric Anderson anderson at centtech.com
Tue Mar 21 18:24:35 UTC 2006

Andrew McNaughton wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Mar 2006, Eric Anderson wrote:
>> The least amount of setup needed is to configure the DRAC's IP 
>> information, and of course cabling it up.  Once that's done, you can 
>> do everything else remotely (what I did).  You can ssh into the DRAC 
>> (default u/pw: admin/calvin), and do lots of things.  If you have 
>> console redirection enabled in the BIOS, you can ssh to the DRAC, 
>> connect to the console, and use it to do lots of stuff.  I usually 
>> use the console redirection feature in the DRAC web console - it 
>> works great with FreeBSD 6.x with jre 1.5 installed, and gives you 
>> the actual video/kb/mouse console as if you were in front of the 
>> machine, great for fixing crashed machines, debugging, etc.
>> Now, I just need to get a remote-power-cycling script going on 
>> FreeBSD to reboot a machine automatically..
> I gather the DRAC does ipmi as well as console access.  If so, then 
> ipmitool makes it easy to script this.  eg something like:
>   ipmitool -H <host> -U user -f <file with password> chassis power cycle

There is IPMI support - but I have to admit, I'm not sure how to use 
it.  There's a config area for IP information, but I'm not certain where 
there's a physical connection to connect it through - unless I'm 
supposed to use the same IP info as the DRAC (they are different 
configuration areas).  Either way, I haven't been successful with it yet..

If anyone is currently using IPMI on Dell servers with FreeBSD, I'd love 
to hear details..


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.

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