experience with dell DRAC 4?

Andrew McNaughton andrew at scoop.co.nz
Fri Mar 17 18:26:14 UTC 2006

On Fri, 17 Mar 2006, Eric Anderson wrote:

> The least amount of setup needed is to configure the DRAC's IP information, 
> and of course cabling it up.  Once that's done, you can do everything else 
> remotely (what I did).  You can ssh into the DRAC (default u/pw: 
> admin/calvin), and do lots of things.  If you have console redirection 
> enabled in the BIOS, you can ssh to the DRAC, connect to the console, and use 
> it to do lots of stuff.  I usually use the console redirection feature in the 
> DRAC web console - it works great with FreeBSD 6.x with jre 1.5 installed, 
> and gives you the actual video/kb/mouse console as if you were in front of 
> the machine, great for fixing crashed machines, debugging, etc.
> Now, I just need to get a remote-power-cycling script going on FreeBSD to 
> reboot a machine automatically..

I gather the DRAC does ipmi as well as console access.  If so, then 
ipmitool makes it easy to script this.  eg something like:

   ipmitool -H <host> -U user -f <file with password> chassis power cycle


Andrew McNaughton           http://www.scoop.co.nz/
andrew at scoop.co.nz          Mobile: +61 422 753 792
                             pgp keyid: 70F6C32D
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