SimpleTech USB HDD driver

Scott Mitchell scott+freebsd at
Mon Sep 22 06:44:38 PDT 2003

On Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 09:12:50AM -0400, dodell at wrote:
> Hey Scott,
> I just bought the thing and I'm at work, so I haven't had a chance to try
> it out yet. I've sent a 
> message to the SimpleTech support people... hopefully they're OSS friendly.
> I'll give more 
> information as I have it. I was under the impression though that USB HDDs
> were unsupported 
> in RELENG_4; I may be totally off base, in which case I apologize for
> sending unnecessary 
> emails to the list.
> Thanks for the link to the article; I'll let you know about my
> sucesses/failures.
> --Devon

No worries - it's what the lists are for.

AFAIK all USB mass storage devices should be supported by the umass driver,
but some devices will have issues.  I use various flash cards and 'pen drives'
all the time - a real hard disk should look the same to the driver.

Bear in mind that 4.x only supports USB 1.1, so even if you have USB 2.0 ports
on your machine, and a USB 2.0 drive, the most you'll get out of it is
somewhere in the region of 1 MB/s.

Look forward to hearing of your success - good luck!


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