RPi2 support...

Adrian Chadd adrian at freebsd.org
Sun May 10 05:24:35 UTC 2015


I think Crochet will live on for a while.

gjb didn't like how development wasn't freebsd-releng-friendly (but
really, which upstream vendor project is in all honesty) so he's
rolled a replacement that's just landed in head. Time will tell which
will work out better.

Me, I'm completely ignoring /all of that/ because I'm fed up with
building things as root and having to do loopback mounts to build
things and loopback devices to create filesystems. My mips stuff does
everything 100% as a user, and it's actually really damned pleasant.
I'd love to see FreeBSD move to that model but I have a feeling it'll
be fighting against lazy developers who are used to having root


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