Week 4 Update: WikiSort Pt.1

Miles Fertel milesfertel at college.harvard.edu
Mon Jun 26 18:48:50 UTC 2017

Hey Brooks,

This week my work has been focused on designing a generalized wikisort
implementation. This has meant laying out the structure for how the
algorithm will be able to function on any datatypes. I have converted the
wikisort function to fit the mergesort prototype, as well as adjusted all
of the function calls to take arguments by reference. The challenge for
this week will be converting the extensive set of helper functions the
implementation uses to fit that schema. To allow them to work for any type
I have cast the void * array to char * and am using pointer arithmetic
macros with the *size* variable for generality.


I have not attempted to manage the style of the original implementation
much to fit Style(9) as the logic is pretty extensive and moves
significantly past the 80 character limit. That is a bridge I want to cross
when the code is fully converted, but would of course appreciate comments
on that at any time.


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