mtree weekly status report

Michal Ratajsky michal.ratajsky at
Sat Jun 27 00:06:54 UTC 2015

Hello everyone,

while I've had a bit of a time struggle, I worked towards meeting my 
milestone set for June 26. That includes a fully functional mtree 
implementation with support for reading, writing and comparison of 
specs. For this, I've implemented writing and comparison in libmtree and 
an initial version of mtree(1), that is based on nmtree, but includes 
quite a bit of cleanups and portability improvements. For now I can 
confirm that the software compiles and works well on (at least) FreeBSD, 
NetBSD and Linux. As the time goes I plan to get some extra VMs running 
so that I can confirm that it works on other platforms as well.

My goal for the next week or 2 is to extend mtree to support all of its 
previous features, notably modifying file structure according to specs 
and filtering capabilities. To give filtering some flexibility I plan to 
partially implement it in libmtree to allow applications to define a 
filtering function and have libmtree do the work.

Thank you,

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