FreeBSD/ARM and FDT cleanup - status report #6

Jakub Klama jakub.klama at
Tue Jul 3 22:50:43 UTC 2012


 It's sixsth status report for project aimed to clean up
 current FreeBSD/ARM port and FDT implementation.

 Things done this week:
 * Refactoring of ARM ports *_machdep.c files. Separated MMU 
   code from initarm() routine and completely rewritten routine which
   constructs bootstrap pagetables.
 * Integrated NAND code onto working branch
 * Verified that my earlier interrupt rework code will not broke
   existing ARM ports using OpenRD and Pandaboard.

 Things not done this week:
 * FDT-based slicer. This is unnecessary, as such thing was recently
   (about a month ago) committed into HEAD. It's pointless to rewrite
   it again. I've just merged this changes onto my branch.

 Things for next week:
 * Finish refactoring of ARM machdeps, move separated routines into
   SoC-independent layer.

 Jakub Klama

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