Proposition to make nvidia driver stop overwritting files

Alexey Dokuchaev danfe at
Thu Jun 28 04:40:14 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jun 06, 2012 at 09:01:42AM -0600, John Hein wrote:
> I agree that the nvidia driver port should install a non-conflicting
> libGL (and libGL-nvidia seems fine to me).
> The problem I have with defining in libmap.conf is similar to
> my previous issue with the "alternatives" approach.  It is more
> difficult to specify one or the other (nvidia or mesa) flavor of libGL
> than, for instance, setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

I would not say it's more difficult; plus /etc/libmap.conf way is a lot more
clear.  It does not mean that "alternatives" approach itself is the best we
can imagine though.

> So libmap.conf can specify different versions of libGL for different
> applications (e.g., regular X server vs. virtual X server like Xvnc).

This is an interesting point.  As much as I hope that a single libGL
implementation can suffice all possible regular (non-developer) usage
scenarios, real X vs. Xvnc and similar cases must be verified.

> So, for reasons of flexibility, I prefer solutions that ultimately
> deal with LD_LIBRARY_PATH or user-controllable options (possibly
> including application-specific config files).

LD_LIBRARY_PATH is just little better than any other dirty hack, and causes
a lot of confusion per se.


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