xf86-video-intel upgrade, anyone?

David Johnson david at usermode.org
Wed Jan 5 17:27:04 UTC 2011

On 01/05/2011 06:29 AM, Pierre-Luc Drouin wrote:
> I have been told on another thread that FreeBSD does not support any recent
> laptop. NVidia switchable graphics is not supported, any recent ATI video
> cards are not supported and any graphic card that comes with i-series CPUs
> are not supported either. So we are basically in big trouble until this get
> fixed (hopefully this will happen very very soon, but I have no clue). The
> only solution right now is to use the Vesa driver, but this is pretty
> useless to get a new laptop and not being able to use its GPU...

This is nothing new. Laptops tend to use bleeding edge hardware and 
FreeBSD doesn't support bleeding edge very well. We are constantly 
playing catchup. It's not that we don't support the hardware, it's that 
the hardware manufacturers do not support FreeBSD, or even Open Source 
for that matter. Linux does not have this problem to the same degree 
since there are current proprietary drivers to fall back on.

Please don't blame FreeBSD for this, blame the hardware manufacturers.

David Johnson

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