The dash key doesn't work in Cyrillic keyboards

Nikola Lečić nikola.lecic at
Sun Nov 25 07:28:01 PST 2007

On Fri, 23 Nov 2007 21:22:32 +0000
"Mikhail T." <mi at> wrote:

> Hello!
> I had the keyboard-switcher configured in KDE to cycle between the
> main US, Ukrainian, and Russian keyboards. I use the "phonetic"
> layout for the latter two.
> Some time after a partial upgrade this summer the "-" (key to the
> right of the zero) stopped working -- pressing it while using either
> of the Cyrillic keyboards does not enter anything. I'm forced to use
> the minus key on the numeric sub-keyboard.
> I just rebuilt another computer (from scratch) and am seeing the same
> problem on it...
> I'm not sure, whether this is an X11 or a KDE problem :(

Hi Mikhail,

AFAIK the keyboard module of KDE Control Centre is just a GUI wrapper of
Xorg-level xkb tools... so please disable all Control Centre keyboard
settings and then try this:

  % setxkbmap -layout 'us,ru(phonetic),ua(phonetic)' \
              -option '' \
              -option 'grp:rwin_toggle' \
              -option 'grp_led:scroll' \
              -rules 'xorg' \
              -model 'pc105'

The first -option argument is empty in order to disable any existing
option(s). This works as expected ('-' works normally). I tried these
settings out of KDE, but I guess it will work just fine in KDE too.

As a Cyrillic and (past) KDE user, I sometimes experienced similar
keyboard problems and always resolved them using such command-line

Best regards.

Nikola Lečić :: Никола Лечић

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