pkgdb vs modular xorg

Dave Grochowski grocho98 at
Mon Dec 11 18:07:00 PST 2006


Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> I reported this problem on ports@ about a week ago.  The recent change
> to portupgrade drastically slowed down pkgdb.  My post even included a
> hackaround.  sem@ said he'd investigate, but never got around to it, I
> guess.

I've also noticed that portupgrade takes forever to update my ports when 
using the modular ports tree. I (mostly) fixed it by switching to 
portmanager, which seems to work *a lot* faster than portupgrade.  
Registering the port still takes a good bit of time, but I found that 
the rest of the process was expedited with the switch.

Dave Grochowski

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