Removal of old/outdated files from site

Hiroki Sato hrs at
Sun Jul 29 09:22:08 UTC 2012

Glen Barber <gjb at> wrote
  in <20120729055742.GC1693 at>:

gj>  o make changes to a chapter, rebuild the doc tree
gj>  o make changes to a different section, rebuild the tree
gj>  o run 'make clean', and xNNNN.html file from first change is not
gj>    removed
gj> It has been highly inconsistently reproducible for me.

 The xNNNN.html files can be left if building a doc, adding a new
 section to it, and rebuilding it, and then doing "make clean".
 Normally all of the generated *.html files including xNNNN.html are
 listed in HTML.manifest and "make clean" removes files in that file.
 However, adding a new section can change the name of xNNNN.html files
 and the successive rebuild overwrites HTML.manifest.

 The right way to solve this is adding section ids wherever
 applicable.  I do not think we need to change the webupdate script
 once we remove the old files.

-- Hiroki
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