adding RDP to Bhyve question

Lonnie Cumberland lonnie at
Fri Sep 20 16:22:49 UTC 2019

Hi All,

I hope that everyone is doing well.

For a while now, I have been working with various distributions and
virtualization methods which cover the gambit of possibilities from what I
have come across, it seems that Bhyve is becoming a leader in terms of
speed over some of the others like KVM (Qeum) and the like. Of course, this
is really just initial reviews so I do not yet know about the stability and
complete functionality effort but it seems to me that Bhyve has a HUGE

That being said, from what I tell (at least on the SmartOS w/Bhyve) is that
Bhyve supports VNC and Spice as ways to connect to the virtual console.

This got me thinking, and also that I consider RDP a much better protocol
in that it allows for channels to cover things like video streaming, sound,
etc., that I wondered if it might be possible to add RDP as an additional
server like VNC and Spice.

With that in mind, I was wondering if this was considered or if there was
any active efforts on this right now?

If not, then do you think that this might be possible to implement since I
would like to look into maybe doing what I can to contribute to this
effort. There are some good projects that has libraries that might be a
good starting point like rdesktop and FreeRDP which could potentially speed
the integration into Bhyve, perhaps. It would take some research though.

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers and have a good weekend,

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