The status of docker

Grzegorz Junka list1 at
Wed Jan 23 21:09:09 UTC 2019

On 23/01/2019 03:21, ss griffon wrote:
> I'm a bit late to the game, but I wanted to add my 2 cents.  I don't 
> see the benefit of implementing "docker" in FreeBSD.  If you are just 
> implementing the linux system calls i.e. using the linuxulator, then 
> you lose any benefits of running on FreeBSD.  It seems like 
> implementing the docker interfaces, like a Dockerfile, registry 
> support and networking switches using FreeBSD specific implementations 
> would be extremely helpful.  Especially for the CI/CD workflow.
> For example:
> #Dockerfile
> #Pull a image from registry and create a new dataset with snapshot.
> #Registry could be http, ftp or any other transfer protocol.
> #Copy app directory into the jailed directory.  Perhaps setting system 
> immutable flag.
> COPY ./app /app
> #Use pf to route to port 80 from the host.  Or use vnet
> #Run a command in the jail to prepare the new image.
> RUN env ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=yes pkg install bash nginx uwsgi py36-flask
> #Mark the startup command
> CMD /bin/sh /etc/rc
> The above would be very familiar to docker users and can be used to 
> generate a standards compliant image (I believe there was a project 
> jetpack that did something like this). Creating a OCI compliant image 
> would probably be the first step to using kubernetes, but I haven't 
> really spent any time looking at kubernetes.
> We could also add extensions for using resource limits, capsicum, 
> devd, security levels etc.  The other cool thing is this could all be 
> run inside a jail using heirarchical jails.

Isn't implementing "docker" on FreeBSD the same as implementing OCI 
specification, i.e. runtime-spec? Seeing that OCI was founded by Docker 
I would have thought they align the docker implementation with the spec?

Then to extend that question, wouldn't adding support for docker to 
FreeBSD mean to add OCI compliance layer to jails? I don't think the 
plan is to add support for Linux containers, or "containerization", to 
FreeBSD kernel?


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