VIMAGE and VirtualBox networking question

Nikos Vassiliadis nvass at
Tue Nov 4 23:09:54 UTC 2014

On 11/04/14 18:14, Allan Jude wrote:
> The problem is likely that the virtualbox kernel modules needs to be
> exactly in sync with your kernel. The official pkgs build against the
> oldest version of the supported branch (10.0), so the module will
> probably not work on 10.1. Since you are compiling a custom kernel, you
> should probably build VirtualBox from source to get an exactly matched
> kernel module, and see if that solves your issues.

I just tried with GENERIC and everything works. I don't know why I 
expected a normal module to work with a VIMAGE kernel since VIMAGE 
modules are erm... virtualized:)

What I really wonder now is whether I could somehow avoid having to 
install the ports tree for a single port. Something like, a package that 
contains the source of the VirtualBox module which one could build.

Or virtualbox-ose-kmod-vnet package:)


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