Bhyve: acpi0: AcpiEnterSleepStatePrep failed - AE_NOT_FOUND

Peter Grehan grehan at
Tue Oct 29 00:51:11 UTC 2013

Hi Craig,

> I notice that in BHyve, if I try to do "shutdown -p now",
> there is an ACPI error:
> ==============================================================
> Halting and powering down...
> Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `vnlru' to stop...done
> Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `bufdaemon' to stop...done
> Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `syncer' to
> Syncing disks, vnodes remaining...0 done
> All buffers synced.
> Uptime: 17s
> acpi0: AcpiEnterSleepStatePrep failed - AE_NOT_FOUND
> The operating system has halted.
> Please press any key to reboot.
> ==============================================================
> Is that a known issue?

  Yes. bhyve doesn't advertise sleep/power states so it can't deal with 
an attempt to invoke ACPI methods to enter those.

  But, we should probably be able to put something in the DSDT that will 
force an exit.

> Is there another way to trigger a BHyve VM to shutdown from
> inside the VM?  Right now I need to "bhyve --destroy --vm=myvm".

  reboot and halt will both work fine.



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