Ideas for Google Summer of Code and testing/devops automation?

Craig Rodrigues rodrigc at
Fri Jan 2 20:49:19 UTC 2015


The FreeBSD project has been part of the Google Summer of Code
for a number of years:

Typically, the participants in GSoC have worked on projects which are in
the FreeBSD source code.  For 2015, I would like to see if we can get
GSoC participants working on enhancing the testing/automation in FreeBSD.

Unfortunately, by focusing on FreeBSD source code and C, FreeBSD
is depriving itself of a large talent pool of young programmers who
are not learning how to code in C.  A lot of the Jenkins continuous
work uses stuff written in Java and Python, so I hope we can use this
to attract people who would prefer to code in other languages like Java,
Python, etc.

Please respond to this thread if you can think of any ideas that we can
add to the IdeasPage ( ) where some GSoC
have gotten ideas for their projects.  Keep in mind that any idea has to
adhere to the requirements
for GSoC (

Some ideas I would like to see include:

 * Add FreeBSD support to Travis continuous integration ( )
 * port NetBSD rump kernel to FreeBSD


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