testing on google cloud

Steve Wills swills at FreeBSD.org
Thu Jan 1 20:36:31 UTC 2015


I've been doing some testing of 10.1-RELEASE in Google Compute Engine and thought I'd share my results.

It survived 40 iterations of the stress2 test with no issues.

I ran the kyua tests that were included with 10.1-RELEASE and there were three
issues. The first was the lib/libutil/pidfile_test test which I disabled since
it seemed to hang for forever (or at least longer than I was willing to wait).
Another issue was usr.bin/yacc/legacy_test:main which failed, but that is
expected. The last was usr.bin/sed/inplace_race_test:main, which was marked
broken. Test results can be seen here:


I'm also doing some port build testing, but don't expect any issue.


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