XScreenSaver must bu rerun as demon on new login in Xfce 4.14

Dmitry Postolov dpostolov at yandex.ru
Sat Oct 19 03:25:34 UTC 2019

Hi to FreeBSD Community! Sorry for my very bad English...

FreeBSD-12.1-RC2-amd64. Xfce 4.14 from the "latest" pkg repository.
XScreenSaver 5.43 (09-Jul-2019).

XScreenSaver must bu rerun as demon on new login, because
in other case it dont run as demon (in first start it was run).

The hardware: Intel NUC5PPYH & Intel NUC DN2820FYKH with
"scfb" video driver.


best regards,
Dmitry Postolov
dpostolov at yandex.ru

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