FCP-0101: Deprecating most 10/100 Ethernet drivers

Cy Schubert Cy.Schubert at cschubert.com
Thu Oct 4 19:36:27 UTC 2018

In message <11826345-1B82-46CB-894C-E567725F8EB8 at bway.net>, Charles 
Sprickman v
ia freebsd-fcp writes:
> > On Oct 4, 2018, at 11:52 AM, Cy Schubert <Cy.Schubert at cschubert.com> wrote:
> > 
> > I have rl, fxp, xl, dc, bge (which I have an uncommitted patch for), nfe, a
> nd sk. Not all are scheduled for removal but this is my inventory for which I
>  can test and am willing to help out with. Add iwn and ath too.
> I also have a stack of old stuff (almost certain there’s at least one vx in
>  there - VORTEX power!).  If anyone needs cards, please contact me and if I h
> ave it, I’ll send it your way.  Also have some old video (AGP), sound (ISA)
> , SATA (PCI-X) and other total rando stuff.
> One place I see the older cards are in some firewall boxes that are in SFF bo
> xes. Old PCI 10/100 NICs are more than adequate for backup WAN purposes (xDSL
> , cable, etc.) and some of the SFF boxes have one pci-e plus one pci slot and
>  that’s it.

My firewall has most of them. It has 2 sk(4), 2 nfe(4), fxp(4), and 
xl(4), with xl and fxp connected to my ISP and the others on my 
internal network. My testbed has sk(4), nfe(4), and dc(4), connected to 
my DMZ, for ipfilter testing. My main build machine and my current 
laptop have sk(4), nfe(4), bge(4), while my i386 testbed (an old 
laptop) has rl(4).

I have a spare motherboard (in case something breaks, while I purchase 
a replacement) with nv(4). All parts, including CPUs, are 

Cy Schubert <Cy.Schubert at cschubert.com>
FreeBSD UNIX:  <cy at FreeBSD.org>   Web:  http://www.FreeBSD.org

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