FCP-0101: Deprecating most 10/100 Ethernet drivers

tech-lists tech-lists at zyxst.net
Thu Oct 4 11:30:56 UTC 2018

On 03/10/18 22:05, Brooks Davis wrote:
>   We are solictiting
> feedback on the list of drivers to be excepted from removal.
> The current list of drivers slated for REMOVAL is:
> ae, bfe, bm, cs, dme, ed, ep, ex, fe, pcn, rl, sf, smc, sn,
> ste, tl, tx, txp, vx, wb, xe

Please do not remove rl. I have two rl interfaces in a machine built in 
2011 still in daily use. One rl interface is an aftermarket card bought 
new in *2016*. The other one is built into the motherboard. That's just 
the stuff I personally own. rl is in lots of machines which will 
probably still be running a decade from now.

I'm astonished you're considering removing rl given how common it is.


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